Confidence Coaching

Boost self-confidence, embrace your identity and achieve your goals

Discover how to embrace your unique identity beyond your hearing loss and unlock your inner strength. With personalized support, you'll learn to celebrate your achievements, practice positive self-talk, and set achievable goals that inspire confidence.

Free “How to Build Self-Confidence After Hearing Loss” PDF when you sign up for Confidence Coaching!

Lost confidence

The impact of my hearing loss on my confidence and identity was profound. At the time of my hearing loss, I had taken some time off work to deal with the practical and emotional impact of what was one of the most shocking and scary events of my life. My career as a teacher was a big part of my identity. In the absence of leading a class, interacting with staff and parents, and filling my days with teaching and planning future classes, I didn't know who I was as a person with hearing loss. I felt lost. 

Yet, through introspection and perseverance, I gradually reclaimed my sense of self. I discovered the possibility of crafting a new, positive self-identity that incorporated my hearing loss. Embracing my deaf identity, I immersed myself in hearing health advocacy, recentering my focus on the core aspects that defined me: my beliefs, personality, relationships, and values. 

The essentials of Confidence Coaching

This is my signature coaching programme, tailored to a topic close to my heart. We'll begin by discussing your experience of hearing loss and its impact on your confidence. Then, over 3 sessions, we'll explore your strengths, accomplishments, and values to support you in building confidence and pursuing your goals.

Frequently asked questions

  • Each session is up to an hour long which gives you time to think and reflect.

    The Confidence Coaching programme comprises 3 sessions.

  • At its core, coaching is a conversation that leads to action.

    We will engage in meaningful dialogue aimed at uncovering insights, setting goals, and developing strategies for confidence-building and personal growth.

    I will ask you questions to help you understand and reflect on your current situation and confront any obstacles preventing you from achieving your goals.

  • The 3 Confidence Coaching sessions are designed to give you a boost, and may be all you need to start pursuing your goals with confidence.

    You also have the option to sign up for additional sessions following the completion of the Confidence Coaching program, if you feel you need more support moving forwards.

Ready to boost your confidence?

Don't hesitate to reach out to schedule some Confidence Coaching or if you have any questions!

“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.”

Carl Gustav Jung